Thursday, February 5, 2009

Biology 232, Spring Semester 2009

Original entry date: January 27, 2009

Today we all met in Dr. Kevin Petti's office, downstairs from the anatomy labs, to begin our semester for the Experience in Human Dissection lab.

He says it's his largest class to date, as there are 10 of us. Eight of the ten of us are female, proving the statistic that 80% of students in the medical field tend to be women. I don't know all of the names, but I do remember Jerry, Susan, Emmy, Adam. There is one gal who has a BS in Biology, who plans to be a doctor someday (surgeon, to be exact). She's from South Africa, and she plans to enter the US Navy to help with her medical schooling, but wants to attend John Hopkins in DC for med school but I'm surprised that's the route she's going to take. Usually when you join the military and have them put you through med school, you end up at USUHS, aka Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. At least that's where the Navy told me I'd end up, had I went ahead and went to Humboldt State, then joined the USN to help pay for med school since UC San Francisco was going to be far too expensive for me. But I digress. My dreams of med school are years behind me, and I'm on a different trajectory now towards a similar, but samely fulfilling goal.

We stayed in Kevin's office for about an hour, discussed who we are, what we want to do in life, and what we were hoping to get out of this class. It was basically a friendly meet and greet, and also a good time for Kevin to go over the syllabus with us, and to remind us to do all of our readings of course material since the next meeting would discuss opinions and reactions to what we've all read.

The vibes were good. One gal in the class remembers me from Dr. Debra Mlsna's Chemistry 100 + Lab class from Winter 2006. I sat in front, and rarely ever turned around to look at people behind me so I didn't recognize her at first but I knew she looked familiar. I still can't remember her name.

I told Kevin that I would be honored if he'd allow me to take my soon-to-be-mine Nikon D90 camera with the ability to capture video at 25 FPS in HD (drool) to class sometime so we could take photos for purposes of updating his website. He said yes, and it would help with cataloguing the specimens we already have in place.

Maybe I'll be useful in class after all.

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